Disclosure and PVG Checks

Disclosure Scotland (criminal record checks) process for University Employees

Disclosure Scotland is the agency responsible, on behalf of the Scottish Government, for issuing disclosures of an individual’s criminal convictions and for managing and delivering the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme.

  • Basic Disclosure is the lowest level of disclosure and shows details of all unspent convictions (as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974). It is not job-specific and may be used for any purpose. Individuals may make their own application online.
  • Standard Disclosure involves higher-level checks and are required for specific professions or duties. Applications must be countersigned by the applicant’s employer and are therefore processed by HR.
  • A PVG certificate contains all unspent and certain spent conviction information. University employees may be required to become PVG Scheme members where their job means that they will be undertaking regulated work with children and/or protected adults as part of their normal duties. Applications must be countersigned by HR.
  • Staff in posts involving contact with NHS patients will also require a NHS Honorary Contract or Research Passport. Please see the section on NHS Honorary Cover for guidance on the process required to arrange this.

PVG Eligibility - summary video from Disclosure Scotland

PVG Scheme Summary (306.27 KB / PDF)
Regulated Work with Children (524.39 KB / PDF)


For queries regarding Disclosure checks, the PVG Scheme or risk assessments please contact Human Resources