Performance & Development Review (Appraisal)

Forms & Guidance for the Performance & Development Review (Appraisal) process

The University's policy on Annual Review makes PandDR (appraisal) mandatory for all staff on an annual basis with reviews conducted by staff in a line management relationship to reviewees and the focus on review against agreed objectives and identification of learning and development needs to support the achievement of organisational goals.

PandDR is mandatory for all staff. PandDRs for the academic year should be completed by 30 June to allow for the collation of PandDR statistics for the College by the end of the academic year.

All staff are encouraged to use the College's PandDR documentation available at the links below. 

Staff in Medical Clinical roles who are required to participate in joint NHS appraisal processes should refer to separate Clinical staff appraisal information available in the Clinical Staff Information section of the College HR webpages.

Forms and Guidance

PandDRForm (38.72 KB / DOCX)
PandDRChecklist (41.54 KB / DOCX)
Summary CV Template (53.5 KB / DOC)


 Guidance for Research Staff

Is participating in an annual review mandatory?

Yes, all members of University staff must take part in an annual review. Clinical Academics at Consultant level, or in a recognised training programme, do not need to participate in the College’s PandDR process as their annual review is incorporated within the NHS appraisal process. 

What should I do if I have concerns about the PandDR process?

If you have any concerns about having a review you should raise these with your line manager or an appropriate senior manager within your area. Alternatively contact your HR Parnter who will try and help you resolve your concerns.

Who is responsible for organising my PandDR?

Depending on where you work your review will be organised either by your line manager or by a nominated administrator.

When should my PandDR take place?

Each area is responsible for putting in place local arrangements to ensure that all review meetings are held between the beginning of August and the end of June each year.

Who should carry out my PandDR?

Normally your PandDR will be with your line manager, however, in some roles it may be appropriate to arrange a joint review with another manager. This situation may arise if you are providing a service or carrying out work for another area where your line manager is not routinely involved in directing your work.

Can I choose who carries out my PandDR?

No, however, if you feel that the person assigned to carry out your review is not appropriate you should raise this with the senior manager for your area or contact your HR Partner.

How long should a PandDR meeting last?

There is no set time for the duration of a review meeting, it may take as little as 30 minutes or as long as 2 hours. The time taken will depend on how much you and your reviewer have to discuss.

Why has PandDR been introduced? I have been doing my job without any problems for years.

Having a formal review each year ensures you have dedicated time to sit down with your manager and talk about the work you are doing and how it contributes to the success of the Unit. It does not have to be a lengthy process, but gives you and your manager a chance to focus on you, your achievements and any career or training and development aspirations you may have. It is also allows you and your manager to agree work objectives which fit with the overall objectives of your Unit.

I have been in my post for less than 6 months will I have a PandDR?

If you are new to your post you should have a Probation Review where the focus will be on assessing how well you have settled into your post, identifying any development or training needs you have and agreeing objectives for the coming 12 months.

What happens if I am on maternity leave during the review period?

You should have a PandDR before you go on maternity or parental leave where the focus will be on your work over the past 12 months or since your last review. On returning to work you should have a further review where the focus will be on agreeing objectives for the coming year and discussing any support you might need to assist you in your return to work.

What happens if I am off sick during the review period?

Your review will take place when you return to work. If you have been absent for an extended period of time your review will focus on agreeing future objectives and identifying any support you need to make a full return to work.

I will be leaving my current post in the next few months should I still have a PandDR?

Yes, even if you know or anticipate that you will be leaving you should still participate in the review process so appropriate objective can be identified for the remaining period of your appointment. The review process should also be helpful in identifying any strengths and possible development needs relevant both now and in the future.

My fixed term contract is due to end during the period covered by the PandDR, should I still have a PandDR?

Yes, your current contract may be extended or you may move to another post within the University. You may also find the review process helpful in considering your next career move.

I am about to retire, should I have a PandDR?

Yes. Use the review as an opportunity to discuss what needs to happen over the months leading up to your retirement, e.g. handing over work, completing projects, training your successor etc. It also provides an opportunity to discuss any support you would like in preparing for retirement.

What if I can’t identify any objectives for my job?

Your manager will help you to identify appropriate objectives. Some people will have only one or two objectives which relate directly to the work they do each day. Others may have a broader range of objectives. Objectives may allow you the opportunity to become involved in new areas of work or to learn new skills. The number and nature of objectives identified will depend on the job that you do, the needs of the business and your own aspirations.

Who will see my completed PandDR paperwork?

Your reviewer and an appropriate senior manager within your area, e.g. Dean or Head of Centre. Completed paperwork will be passed to the person in your area who is responsible for the secure storage of personnel files. Information relating to training and development needs may be seen by Human Resources.

What if I disagree with anything that my reviewer has written?

The final section of the PandDR form (Section 10), offers you space to comment on any aspect of your PandDR, including any statements made by your reviewer that you disagree with.

Do I have to sign the PandDR form?

Yes, by signing the PandDR form all you are confirming that the review meeting has taken place and the documentation reflects the discussion.

Is the PandDR process linked to pay or promotion?

The PandDR process is not linked to pay or promotion; however, you should use your review as an opportunity to discuss with your line manager whether you are ready for promotion or whether your achievements over the review period may merit a contribution award. If you plan to come forward for promotion or a contribution award the Panel will expect to see evidence of a current review.

Where can I find the further guidance and the forms for PandDR?

The forms and guidance for the PandDR process within CMVM can be found at the top of this page.

More general guidance and information on the Annual Review process within the University can be found at:

Learning & Development - Annual Review

The College HR team are also available to provide support and guidance and can be contacted at:

College MVM HR Contacts