Understanding Unconscious Bias

An online course that aims to increase understanding of unconscious bias in the workplace

About this course

Understanding Unconscious Bias takes an in-depth look at the nature of bias and how it impacts the University of Edinburgh.

The course provides psychological insights into how our own behaviour might be affected by prejudice and looks at what we can do to reduce or eliminate its influence in the decisions that we make. 

This course contains more than an hour's worth of insightful video content, including re-staged psychological experiments, original drama scenarios and expert analysis to help you see and feel unconscious bias at work and how to challenge and overcome it within yourself and others.

Aimed at

By the end of this course you will be able to explain what bias is and where it comes from; how it impacts on the people around us in the workplace; and what you can do to minimise the negative consequences.

All staff are required to complete this course at least every 3 years.


By taking this course you will be able to:

  • Understand how and why people are biased
  • Identify how unconscious bias can impact on the workplace and on working relationships
  • Know what we can do to reduce or eliminate bias from our decision-making processes
  • Have confidence in how to address bias in specific situations, such as recruitment and performance management

Notes for users

Training can be carried out at your own pace. If you don’t want to complete the course in one session, click on 'Bookmark' before exiting the system and it will automatically take you back to where you left off when you next log in.

Logging in

Understanding Unconscious Bias (link to People and money)

  • Select Enrol. A new page will appear and the course should launch.

Information and support available 

You can use the new staff learning apps to sign up for courses and record qualifications and licences needed for your role, and to assign and track learning for anyone you manage.

If you experience any problems with the training module, please contact the HR Helpline.
