Who to contact

Who to contact if you have a salary, pensions or contractual related query.

HR Helpline

The HR Helpline team is here to provide support to University of Edinburgh employees.  As the first point of contact, the team will offer assistance to all queries.  Where further support is needed, the team may pass on the questions to employees within HR who can best provide solutions.

To get the help you need quickly, please follow these simple steps: 

If you have any questions at all to do with our HR processes or the People and Money system, please search My Knowledge, People and Money’s inbuilt bank of guidance first.

Search My Knowledge

If you’re still unclear after searching My Knowledge, speak to your line manager or your school/dept. administrator. 

If you can’t solve the problem together, please contact the HR Helpline by raising a Service Request in People and Money

Raise a Service Request

If you do not have access to People and Money you can contact the HR Helpline via email. Send your question to HRHelpline@ed.ac.uk 

Payroll Services

For payroll specific queries, you can contact HR Helpline or alternatively the Finance Helpline for support on 0131 651 5151 or by emailing Finance.Helpline@ed.ac.uk


Contact Pensions re any enquiries re your pension scheme or if you have regarding Pension deductions from salary.

Pensions Contacts