Trade Unions Information

Information and contact details for the University's recognised Trade Unions.

Trade Unions

The University recognises three trade unions: University and College Union (UCU), UNISON and Unite.  It informs, consults and negotiates with each union on matters which specifically affect their cohort of members and works in partnership with all three unions on matters which affect all staff, for example, changes to university policy, terms and conditions of employment, working practices and proposals for organisational change.

With other Higher Education trade unions, UCU, UNISON and Unite negotiate on a national basis with the higher education employer’s body, the Universities and Colleges Employer’s Association (UCEA) over pay, for example on the annual increase to the rates on the national pay spine.

National Pay Spine

More information can be found below:




Further information is available through the link below:

Joint Unions Liaison Committee (JULC)

Union Partnership Meetings Terms of Reference

Combined Joint Consultative and Negotiating Committee (CJCNC)

Partnership Forum (PF)

Policy Consultation Forum (PCF)

UCU Joint Consultative and Negotiating Committee (UCU JCNC)

UNISON Joint Consultative and Negotiating Committee (UNISON JCNC)

UNITE Joint Consultative and Negotiating Committee (Unite JCNC)

University of Edinburgh Trade Union consultation framework