Coaching and mentoring provide you with one to one and group support to help you develop in your role and career. What is the difference between coaching and mentoring? Coaching Mentoring Coaching provides a space for self-reflection, allowing you to gain valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Mentoring usually involves a senior colleague, the mentor, sharing their professional knowledge and experience with a less experienced individual, known as the mentee. Coaches will tend to focus on agreed skills to develop through using observation, questioning, listening and feedback to provide insights for dealing with situations. The mentor provides support and motivation for career aspirations and development. More formal More informal Shorter-term Longer-term Coaching Access to external accredited coaches to support you in a range of areas including leadership development, achieving wellbeing and balance and navigating your way through change and transitions. We offer three main types of coaching, which are all digital: coaching for managers and leaders, returning parents and for those transitioning into retirement Mentoring Discover a variety of mentoring programmes available across the University This article was published on 2024-09-23