Coaching costs are charged back to your area. You will need to speak to your manager to approve this expense before applying for coaching sessions. Details of the costs and how to register below. Costs for coaching will be met by departmental budgets and are as follows: £252 per 1-hour coaching session Each coaching relationship will generally last between 3-5 sessions 3 hours of coaching will be charged at £756, 4 hours at £1008, 5 hours £1260 You will need to get funding approval from your budget holder before registering. Please note that if you are a Head of School or Director of Professional Service (or equivalent role), this coaching is currently being funded centrally. Registering During the application process you will be asked for your local budget contacts; you should be able to get this from your Department, School office or Business Support. If not, please try your local HR or Finance team. To register for coaching you will need two names: the name of your main budget holder the name of the person who processes and pays for local invoices in your department, likely to be your local HR or Finance administrator Please use the button below to register: Digital Coaching for Parental Returners This article was published on 2024-09-23