
Information on buying and renting accommodation in Edinburgh.

Edinburgh is a highly sought after place to live, as a result, accommodation (both to rent and to buy) is taken quickly. Especially during the summer months and the lead up to the Edinburgh Festival.  Most people who relocate prefer to find temporary accommodation (short term rental) and taking a little time getting to know the city and surrounding areas. Our excellent public transport network means that you can find convenient travel to all University sites.

Buying Property

If you want to buy a house, there are some things you should consider.

Buying a home in Scotland involves a slightly different process to that in the rest of the UK, so it is advisable to find out as much as you can about what is involved before you embark on your property search.

If you are considering getting a mortgage, it is worth talking with a few local banks or an independent Mortgage Advisor. Most of them will be unlikely to consider you for a mortgage if you have lived in the UK for less than a year or if you have been living outside the UK for more than 7 years. However, the criterion vary between banks so it is worth looking around. 

Additional information relating to purchasing a property can be found at the below links:

Scottish Government - Buying a home: the legal process

ESPC - Information on Buying Homes in Edinburgh

Long Term Rental

Long term rental usually refers to anything rented for 6 months or longer. When renting, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.

The Scottish Government have published a ‘Tenant Information Pack’ to help you understand the renting process and your rights:

Tenant Information Pack

There are many rental providers but we have listed some of the most popular ones below:



S1 Rental

Gumtree Edinburgh


Short Term Rental Options

There are various options available to you when first relocating to Edinburgh. The University of Edinburgh can offer temporary and short term rental accommodation through its commercial operation, The University of Edinburgh Hospitality and Events Collection.  There is an array of properties available, at preferential rates for staff members.

For more information please visit their website: